Environmental Initiatives
We are currently preparing for our environmental initiatives this includes;
1. Waste to Fuel project,
2. Two Million Tree planting and Habitat Rehabilitation Project
(This Project removes 8 species from the endangered list)
3. Future Foods project.
Our environmental projects include water purification, recycling of various plastics and reduction of landfills and pollution. We are aimed at habitat rehabilitation, this will benefit various endangered species such as;
1. The barn owl
2. Golden eye lichen (Great Lakes population)
3. Striped White-lip
4. Toothed Globe
5. Black ash
6. Bent Spike-rush
7. Blunt- lobed Woodsia
8. The Saola species
In order to bring their population from the brink of extinction. Our agricultural endeavours employ an innovative approach to ensuring long term sustenance for the feeding of the plant.
Our approach is holistic focused on understanding and responding to climate change and being kind to ourselves and the earth, providing effective and practical solutions.